lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Pneumonia Healer

As you may or may not know, when I got back from Dallas I got pretty sick. I didn't really feel sick when I was just lying around, but as soon as I would get up I would start coughing. A stupid dry, unproductive cough. I also had some spots on my lungs.
The doctor put me on antibiotics and steroids and told me to come back in a week.
In the mean time, my cousin Becky heard that I had been in bed for a couple of days and decided she needed to come nurse me back to health. The amazing thing, besides that fact that anyone would volunteer to wait on me hand and foot for a week was how it all came together in less than 2 days.
1. Her mom happened to be in town for a conference, so she took care of Becky's 11 yr old son.
2. Becky's job was at an in between flux state.
3. Her husband encouraged her to come.
4. She got a ticket from Phoenix for $300 - AMAZING!
She got here on Monday, and the bossing of me immediately began. I mean that in a totally great way. She would not let me out of bed, counted how many times I coughed everyday, not only brought me my meals, but water and anything else I needed. I think the last time I was this pampered was in high school by my mom. We played cribbage and talked and talked and talked. I think the day she got here I immediately started getting better.
Matt was pretty happy she was here too because Becky is a pie maker. This is Matt with the 1st pie Becky made on Monday. If you didn't know, pie is the fastest way to my husband's heart. So Becky also promised Matt that she would teach me to be a pie maker, with all the Shumate secrets. Becky made 3 pies in her spare time between waiting on me and then when I was feeling better showed me how on a 4th. Matt was in pie heaven.
Needless to say, I am feeling much better, the spots on my lungs are gone and I barely cough - all thanks to Becky's healing touch. The doctor wants me to take next week off to make sure the pneumonia is all gone, and so that I am (hopefully) strong enough to start radiation on the 9th.
Can I really say having cancer sucks when I have had all these great experiences? I have seen more family in the last 4 months than I have in the last 4 years. I have had moments of total clarity and the outpouring of caring from family and friends astounds me daily. I know this has been hard on people to see me this way, but I am sure that just as it has made me trust my maker, it has done the same for others. I really don't think I can say that having cancer sucks. To do so would diminish the many moments I will treasure for the rest of my life and would have never had without Hodgkin's disease.

1 comment:

Anne said...

yay! Im glad to hear you are feeling better. That's awesome Becky was able to come out, what an amazing gift! You look and sound much more at peace! I'm thinkin of you and matt lots. Have an awesome day.