lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First day back to work! :)

Hello! I was finally healthy enough to go back to work and start radiation on of Monday.
I just finished my 2nd radiation treatment. Yeah, I am a little tired after them, but just a little.
I am pretty excited because I thought I had 20 radiation treatments, but when I met with the doctor yesterday, he said only 17. Yahoo! I have a treatment everyday, M-F, at 3:30pm. So I will be done the first week of March.
I am only under the machine for 3 minutes. It takes me longer to park and get changed than the actual treatment does.
Radiation is different than chemo-thank goodness it is such a short time. It feels way more invasive. With chemo, I showed up at the doctor’s office, got my vitals taken, some blood drawn, then sat in a recliner for an hour while they pumped the chemo cocktail into me and I watched TV with Matt, a friend or family.
With radiation, I have to take off everything above my waist, including jewelry and watches, put on a gown, then go lay on a hard table while they position me around just right (this is where my boobs get flashed a number of times). Then everybody leaves, they shut a door that is about 3 feet thick and the machine does its thing while you hold perfectly still.
I am sure I as I do it more it will be less of a thing, but yesterday was pretty scary. Matt went with me and watched through a video feed. (That’s right! Can’t even have a window into the room.) I closed my eyes while I was being zapped, because I thought I would be able to see a red beam going into my chest. (I don’t know why, but that is how I always pictured it.) And as I was laying there, I thought if I did see a red beam coming at me, that I might move out of the way or completely jump off the table. So I closed my eyes. Later when I asked Matt about it, he said there was no red beam. So today I kept my eyes open (for most of it anyway). I didn’t see a red beam either.
Radiation is supposed to make me tired, give me a sunburn on the area they are zapping and I may get a sore throat. But other than that it should be pretty easy.
So that is what I know, and now you do too – no red beams while getting zapped.
Have a great week.
I will catch up with you again soon.


Anne said...

MEA- i cant believe your hair is growing back already! yay! Im glad theres no red beam. that would be too alien invasion-esque. Also, i think bean bags are awesome furniture and should be incorporated into every home, even if they do look like a cow pie. you dont have to get a brown one!

MEA said...

Of course you like bean bags! You and your brother. I'd like to see what you think of bean bags about 7.5 months from now.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

MEA--I've been preoccupied with work and haven't been to check in until today. So nice to hear that you're better and that radiation is going okay.

You know, you look absolutely beautiful with your hair lie that. I could never in a million years pull it off, but you look gorgeous.

Please stay safe, take care of you and I hope we'llhave that lunch soon.



KatieD said...

MEA - I am glad to hear there is no red laser beam and that radiation is going well. You look great!

Additionally, I vote 'yay' for bean bags. I never met one I didn't like. Glad to see both you and Matt are doing well.

I saw a round trip flight to Honolulu for $231! If that keeps up, you might be seeing me soon! (I am all about the positive thinking =) )

Kathy said...

Jim says you should have bean bags for those who enjoy them and a three-legged no back hard seat stool for those who need sprint off in any direction at the spur of the moment. P.S. what's this about hawaii going to a 17 day month?- Jim

Kathy said...

Mea- I think you could add a vote choice that suggests bean bags as a temporary fix until you get "real furniture". Glad the first scary week is over- good job!
Living with this whining man is the pits! Good thing you've shortened his terrible ordeal.

love, Kathy

Anne said...

What? I will love bean bags as will my baby. they are perfect, although i may have to mount mine on a stage so that I can get out of it at that point. but it will be worth the wonderful squoooshy comfort.

jennymac said...

Hi MEA! So glad you're in the final stages of treatment - almost done!! You are looking great as usual... :) So a couple questions for ya - (1) would you be interested in being an Honored Teammate (we want to put your huge picture on our wall!) and (2) is it okay with you if I give Keith Turner your blog address - he wants to get in touch with you... write me back when you feel up to it - jen.mcveay@lls.org. Hang in there girl!!! :)

caribbeancowgirl said...


Sorry to hear yo had pneumonia...it sucks. I just got home from the doctor with the same diagnosis. The constant cough stinks. The pics of your new house are great. You and Matt have done a wonderful job.

The pics of Matt and the pie totally made me laugh and remember Justin and Matt's pie days...silly boys!

Miss you guys! Take care!!