lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The ladies who brought me through!
Dawn, Shannon, New Me, Alicia, and Linda
Finished Product - for Tonight!
We did it! The Evening was set. Laramy was making dinner, the girls were coming and the clippers were out.

Started with good food and wine - thanks to Laramy. Again he outdid himself. This time with chicken stuffed with mushrooms and cheese with a sauce that completely delighted the group along with carrots and asparagus on the side.

Laramy Creating Dream-a-licious Food!

Linda, Alicia, Dawn and Me.

(Shannon's behind on the floor entertaining Isaiah)

The girls all made it on such short notice. I just asked them to come, if they could, this morning. And they all made it, said marvelous things, and made a fantastic memory out of something I was dreading.

Isaiah and Josh provided the entertainment for the evening. Josh played the blues and Isaiah laughed and laughed the cutest little kid laugh on the planet - spoken like a true Godparent.

So after I had put it off long enough, the girls rallied and determined it was time to start a cuttin'. I wondered who out of the group would take the scissors in hand (no small task mind you - I don't think I could have done it). As you can see from the pictures, Shannon was the cutter. She did a great job. And the enthusiasm/direction she got from Linda, Dawn and Alicia was superb. I felt so loved and taken care of by these girls. Truly cherished.

Don't get me wrong. They weren't all business, there were more than a few jokes here and there about leaving this or that long scragley for a side pony tail or something.

Matt wasn't going to get off lightly either. All the years he has begged me to clip his hair finally came back to haunt him. He used his clippers his mom gave him one Christmas on his own wife. At first they weren't working very good and it was a bit painful (that is what this picture shows). But after a bit of help from Josh and some oil, the clipper came to life and did the job. But why are the girls making this face? I am sure glad I wasn't looking at them at this point.

All in all I am supremely happy with the finished product. Not bad for a bunch of athletic girls that never sat around and played beauty salon with their Barbies - or maybe we did and just did tell - you'll never know.

Psalm 27:14 "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage. And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say on the Lord!" This verse was definately true for me last night. The courage and strength I felt were amazing. I wasn't that way to begin with, but it came from Him - through my husband and my friends. They were amazing, and I am so thankful for the provision.


Anonymous said...

The new look is absolutely amazing! You look great. I'm so glad that you're keeping us all updated. It's really hard to be so far away knowing that you're going through this without everyone there. You're so strong and we will keep saying our prayers. Glad to hear you were able to get your chemo this week, Yay!!! Miss you,


MEA said...

Thanks Christy, it strengthens me (my new theme) to know that you are out there praying, even though we can't be close. It definately brought me through last week and I am stronger today than when we began this for it.

Kathy said...

Hey- I still can't call you shnai(sp?) O'Conner- you still look prettier than ever! Matt- good job but no cigar for the crew cut- NOT! we love you and would love to be there right now!! but we will impatiently wait. Jim says he thinks you have the opportunity to be trendsetter- he's never seen a pharmaceutical rep with a blue mohawk.

Anonymous said...

Your haircut looks great!!!
Your Austrian friends are sending all their strength to you-and you know how strong the Austrians are: just think about Arnold Schwarzenegger!!! Miss you a lot!

anne neal said...

It looks awesome! I do think blue though is the next step. Great job. you are amazing and I am blown away by the grace you have through this. I agree with Christy and wish I could be there to support both of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Tell shannon she did a great job!Love you both!

caribbeancowgirl said...

Matt and MEA,

You guys rock! I am so sad we are now even farther away...but you are in my thoughts everyday. The attitude you have going into this is so fantastic. It humbles me! As for the new haircut...you should NEVER go back to long. It really does look that good! Take care girl and hugs to you both!
