lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So Grumpy!

View of the ceiling in the main room.
So I am a mess. I have cancer, I have a cold, and I have an annoying neck/shoulder pain that is keeping me awake at night.
I got a cold (just your regular run of the mill cold) on Friday. I had to go to a neighbor island for work and I sat right next to a guy on the plane who coughed the whole flight - bummer (needless to say I told my team that I won't be traveling neighbor island anymore until I am through chemo). I stayed home from work all week to try and get better before chemo today. But no dice. They do blood work before every chemo to check and see where you are. My white counts were too low to give me chemo. So now I have to wait until next Thursday, to back and check again. They say it is normal to have to postpone a treatment at least once. So there is nothing to worry about, unless if when I go back next Thursday the white cells are still low. I am sure they won't be. Plus we are not to worry about tomorrow. I saw a great quote about worry. It says worry is a terrible waste of a great imagination.
What REALLY disgruntles me is that I already marked all my dates for chemo in pen on my calendar. Now my calendar is all wrong and miss marked. So maybe I should add obsessive complusive to my list.
Although, I can see the benefit in not having chemo the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know there is a plan, and it will make more sense in the long run, but I am really bummed about that calendar (yes, I am being meladramtic, but I get it from my husband. He He He).
Alright, enough about that.
Hey, I haven't lost my hair yet. There is still time to vote on the wig poll. Thank you for your votes and comments. You cannot believe how many times a day I check this blog for new additions. It is a great distraction.
Have a great day!

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