lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Friday, October 24, 2008

There is a furry lolo soon to be in Palolo.

Kim, Me, Kellie & Tara (clockwise)
At the risk of you never voting on another one of my polls, I think I am going to call the kitten Gracie. Here's why: I once heard a pastor speaking on forgiveness. One of the things he said that stuck with me was this... Justice is when you get what you deserve, Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve, and Grace is when you get more than you deserve. That is really how I feel right now. That I am being blessed beyond my "deservedness" - and although the kitten is my current blessing, many of you know that I have had many more since being diagnosed. By calling her Gracie, it will be a constant reminder of the grace that I am living in.

I also promise not to post more than 100 pictures/videos of her. I know it sounds like a lot, but I have yet to capture the essence of her in a post. And because if I don't set a limit, I may lose control and this could be a blog completely dedicated to a kitten, funny for few, but not many. Here's a "random kitten video" to get us started

My step sisters flew in from Washington State Wednesday to be here to with me while Matt was gone. No, they didn't have to. And yes, it is a mini vacation for them (the first time just the three of them have traveled together since the mid 80's). I mean geez-o-pete, I live in Hawaii, why not come?

Kellie, Tara and Kim

Oh, this is my oncology doctor, Dr. Ken Sumida.

Thursday they got to spend some time of their mini-vacation seeing me get chemo. Whew! Exciting times I provide in Hawaii. We had fun though. They taught me a game called "13". I actually even won the last hand of it.
Then I drug them to the grocery store to get supplies for the bbq.
Then to the pound to pick up Gracie.
Then to my house to pack up 7 bags and a cooler to take to the bbq.
Then bbq'ed til 10:30. They were way tired by then (really 1:30 their time).
They were total troopers though. It was great to have them here.

So the gang continued our Thursday night tradition. But this week we finally talked Laramy into letting us cook for him and eating with us. Part of it is because I bribed him with the kitten, not the food - he is a cat whisperer. Plus we were able to invite a few more people bc we bbq'ed at the beach park near my house. It was another fun night had by all, and a great end to a Chemo day.

The Gang

Kim with Paul after she realized he was "The Paul Wright" Christian musician extraordinaire.
I felt great all through the day - no side effects for today.
I have to go back tomorrow and get a shot to help increase my white blood cell counts. They are lower than they would like them and this shot is supposed to help them increase rapidly. The only anticipated side effect is joint pain. But it is not supposed to onset for a couple days - which is great bc I have a volleyball game scheduled for Friday at 4:30. We'll see how this plays out. I better win some games.
Anyway, thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Have a great week!
Peace, MEA


Jimbo said...

You guys look like your having a great time!!! Gracie seems like a lot of fun. I wish I could be there and hang out with all my sisters!!! Well I miss you guys and hope the visit is going well. I Love You, call you soon.

MEA said...

The time was way too short with them. So much more to do.
Gracie is getting more attitude by the day. I have to find her some snacks that she will do tricks for because the stuff I have for her now she will just leave where I put it for her. We have to start training her to come and sit when I call her. He He.