lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Checking In...

Heading to Panama July 2008
Things are still good here. I got the shot to increase my white blood cells on Friday. I haven't had any real muscle aches since then, which was supposed to be a side effect. They told me exercise would help to control them. So I played volleyball last Friday, worked out on Sunday and played volleyball on Monday again. Granted I am not playing my best volleyball or working out very hard or very long, but I think it is so awesome I can even do any of it. Yay!
Gracie continues to get more comfortable and gain more personality. She doesn't quite understand that when I blink my eyes that it is NOT a game and that she should not try to paw at them. Luckily for me she has very soft paws and never puts her claws out.
My mom comes today to stay with us. Be on the look out for posts of Judy's Paradise Adventures.
Matt should be back soon. He was supposed to get back today, but I guess there is a storm off the island (Curie Atoll - the most northern island in the Hawaiian Chain is where he is). He has to wait until the storm dies down enough to where his transport ship - a coast guard vessel - can get close enough to pick him up. I sure hope it is less crazy than it sounds. But I expect some good stories of this trip from him - like how they ended up doing the water catchment and what size the solar refrigerator was and if it really worked and how crazy the 60 year old lady is that lives by herself on the island for months at a time cataloging birds .
Anyway, just a small update from me.
Have a great week!
Peace, MEA


Anonymous said...

FINNALY I FOUND YOU!!! Yeah! I like Gracie. Her debut video makes her look crazy, but I suspect you have her trained to love her collar by now.


anne neal said...

OMG, your cat is craxy. I was watching the video at work and laughing lots. She's so cute and flippy. Fun! Glad that Matt will be back soon and i want to hear stories. Im also glad you keep getting visitors! that's excellent! Hopefully I can come soon! Love you, take care!

caribbeancowgirl said...

MEA...you look great! I am glad to hear that treatment is continuing to go well. My love to both you and Matt....and good job on the name! Gracie is CUTE!!

Anonymous said...

One way to be a loved smelly boy is to be gone long enough for pretty girls to miss you. When I'm home too much Kathy kind of forgets how wonderful I am. Matt will be home soon and you'll really like him.

Jim- Matt's smelly dad

MEA said...

I may really like Matt when he gets home, but only after he showers and shaves, washes his dirty clothes and takes a nap, maybe even after a surf. He should be back to normal Matt after that. Oh, also, he probably needs a haircut.
Peace, MEA
PS. My mom baked him cookies everyday, so he would have fresh ones thinking he might walk in the door any minute.