lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Pneumonia Healer

As you may or may not know, when I got back from Dallas I got pretty sick. I didn't really feel sick when I was just lying around, but as soon as I would get up I would start coughing. A stupid dry, unproductive cough. I also had some spots on my lungs.
The doctor put me on antibiotics and steroids and told me to come back in a week.
In the mean time, my cousin Becky heard that I had been in bed for a couple of days and decided she needed to come nurse me back to health. The amazing thing, besides that fact that anyone would volunteer to wait on me hand and foot for a week was how it all came together in less than 2 days.
1. Her mom happened to be in town for a conference, so she took care of Becky's 11 yr old son.
2. Becky's job was at an in between flux state.
3. Her husband encouraged her to come.
4. She got a ticket from Phoenix for $300 - AMAZING!
She got here on Monday, and the bossing of me immediately began. I mean that in a totally great way. She would not let me out of bed, counted how many times I coughed everyday, not only brought me my meals, but water and anything else I needed. I think the last time I was this pampered was in high school by my mom. We played cribbage and talked and talked and talked. I think the day she got here I immediately started getting better.
Matt was pretty happy she was here too because Becky is a pie maker. This is Matt with the 1st pie Becky made on Monday. If you didn't know, pie is the fastest way to my husband's heart. So Becky also promised Matt that she would teach me to be a pie maker, with all the Shumate secrets. Becky made 3 pies in her spare time between waiting on me and then when I was feeling better showed me how on a 4th. Matt was in pie heaven.
Needless to say, I am feeling much better, the spots on my lungs are gone and I barely cough - all thanks to Becky's healing touch. The doctor wants me to take next week off to make sure the pneumonia is all gone, and so that I am (hopefully) strong enough to start radiation on the 9th.
Can I really say having cancer sucks when I have had all these great experiences? I have seen more family in the last 4 months than I have in the last 4 years. I have had moments of total clarity and the outpouring of caring from family and friends astounds me daily. I know this has been hard on people to see me this way, but I am sure that just as it has made me trust my maker, it has done the same for others. I really don't think I can say that having cancer sucks. To do so would diminish the many moments I will treasure for the rest of my life and would have never had without Hodgkin's disease.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dallas with Dad

Dad and I at Pizza
I'm back from Dallas. Had my CAT scan on Tuesday, met with my doctor on Friday for the results. If you remember, after my 4th treatment they did a CAT scan too, because it was the midway point. At that time my tumors had shrunk, one by 80% and the other by 50%, which I was super stoked about. From the CAT scan on Tuesday, my doctor said they hadn't shrunk much more. Kinda disappointed, but my doctor assured me that only about 50% of his patients have all of their tumors gone by the end of chemo, that is what the radiation is for.

So from his office I went to get some preliminary stuff done to start radiation. They put some marks on me to help them align the laser. What I didn't know is that on my next visit they will actually tattoo little dots on me for the alignment, so they can't wash off.

I was supposed to start radiation on Wednesday, January 28, but I unfortunately have pneumonia and have been in bed for 4 days straight. I feel fine while in bed, but as soon as I get up and move around I start coughing. Little annoying coughs, that don't produce any phlegm (I know - gross). But they just won't stop until I lay down again. It totally sucks. But at least today, Matt moved the Internet in the bedroom, so here I am complaining to you. Neat, huh?
So radiation has been postponed a week, and I am continuing to put drugs in my body, but now they are antibiotics and steroids. Nice. I just wish they would start working already.
On a brighter note, my hair is starting to fill in. My head isn't quite so shiny(don't have to worry about standing directly under a light and blinding anyone anymore), my hair looks darker, and the best part is.....NO GRAY HAIRS! Whooopeeee! My hairdresser is going to be so bummed (not really she is great, and will be happy for me), only hair cuts for me! No color! YEA!

My time in Dallas with my dad and Jean was great! Here are some pictures from the highlights.

Jean picked me up from Levitra training and took me to her all time favorite BBQ place. It was the best BBQ sauce I have ever tasted - and they served the sauce warm. It was onolicious. Brought a bottle home for Matt to try. Ummmm good! Then we shopped Dallas together. Yea!

After that went to the Friday night pizza joint. Also very good.

Mark, Katie, Jean

Me, Katie and Mark on our way to the picnic Katie planned. It was a beautiful day in Fort Worth. We ate sandwiches, played soccer, threw the football, and went to the art museums gift shop. It was a great picnic.

The day before I left was my dad's birthday. We actually celebrated all weekend long, but this was from birthday lunch on Sunday.

Here is the new look for the bed thanks to Dad and Jean. Yea! Jean made the accent pillow on the bed and the cushion on the chair for me. Thanks Jean! I also scored one of her quilts. I absolutely love it. It has all sorts of colors, but bright turquoise, yellow and green are the anchor colors. It has monkey's on the back and swirls (which remind me of monkey tails) embroidered into it. I can't wait to get the downstairs room done to put it in there, then I'll put a picture of it up.

Gracie obviously loves the new coverlet.

I just love this fabric.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 - The Year of Completion

Well I really did finish my chemo on January 8th. The side effects were the same, a bit more intense and lasted a little longer, but Matt and I just kept saying that this is the last time I have to go through it. Yea!
Also we started staying in the house Christmas Eve, at first intermitantly, but now the upstairs is totally done, and it is pretty much full time. Gracie is there and I don't think she ever wants to go back to the apartment lifestyle.
Here's a look at what stage we are at. Sorry, it's hard to get just the right angle to show everything, but I think you'll get the jist.

This is "the carving" I've talked so much about. This is in the lofted area across from the front door. On the other side is the master bedroom. The white that you see in the carving is actually holes that will hopefully allow light and a breeze into the master. (Thanks Paul for the great staining of it all!) The ceiling you see is reused lumber that we got from Re-Use Hawaii. We actually have 3 fans in this area to help circulate the air, since we are trying to get by without any air conditioning. So far so good.

This is out on the back porch from the kitchen. It is common practice in Hawaii to have the laundry outside. We just went with it. But those machines are so dang big, I think we are going to have to extend the porch (but they are energy star). It has been 9 years since we have had our own machines, we now love to do laundry. Plus these play little tunes when they start and stop and have lots of lights. They are great. Matt also put in a utility sink back there (at this time it is the only running water downstairs) and some shelves.

Matt's side
Corner in between

MEA's side

The office is located at the top of the stairs on the left side of the house. I has a half wall that overlooks the down stairs entryway. It has one of the fans that you see in the carving photo. As you can see we are still in the process of organizing the office. This is my fun time! Yea!

Master bedroom: Please note all the trim work is done - great job Matt! Also, we have finally broken down and gone for the King bed - Cal King that is. It is so comfortable, except for when Gracie decides to sleep right in the middle of us horizontally, then it feels kinda' cramped. The door you see in the bottom picture is to the master closet.

Left side: shoes, purses, long items.

Middle/right: My drawers and hanging short stuff.

Right side: Matt's drawers and hanging.
Yes, the closet is painted purple (thank you Jesse!). Again, the trim is in - thank you Matt!

View from master bedroom door.

left side of shower.

back of shower

right side

Shower shelves, which Matt did a very good job on. They are on the back side of the partial wall that you see in the picture above.
So that's it. Have a great day!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Levitra Training

Roger, me, and David
(They are going to kill me for saying this, but they are standing on chairs and their tip toes so they look taller than me - which they aren't - by a long shot. He He!)
Big news for the new year - I now sell Levitra. It was one of those drugs I thought I would never want to sell when I started this job. Now, I am kind of looking forward to it. I have been at training in Dallas most of the week. The best part about it, is that I get to reconnect with friends that I went to training with in 2006 when I first started. They are good guys and it is fun to hang out with them and tell each other our sob stories from the job.
One of the craziest things is that David's wife was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease a few months earlier than me. As soon as he saw me, he knew. We had a lot to catch up on. His wife completed her treatments in November and is doing very well. It was great to hear another successful story, and the amazing way that David describes his wife, her character, and what a fighter she is.
Now I am off to spend the weekend with my dad, who lives just outside of Dallas. I am just so happy that GSK sent me here and now I get to see my dad too. How great is that! Even at the cost of having conversations about erectile dysfunction on a daily basis. I don't know who is going to turn red first, me or the doctor. Probably me.

Honolulu Marathon Weekend

Andrea, MEA, Donna, Emilee
We all started with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in 1996.
Donna's the only one still with the Society, but the friendships remain.

Why has it taken me so long to write about the Honolulu Marathon Weekend? It was a very different Honolulu Marathon for me. I wasn't the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society staff member anymore trying to pump everyone else up and support them. My role had changed, it was an odd feeling. Even now as I write this I still hesitate to call myself an Honored Patient. As a staff member I always put the Honored Patients in a different, untouchable class. Is this denial? I still forget sometimes that I am now the one with cancer, until, that is, I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror. But I was an Honored Patient for Katie and still am until Kathy completes her marathon in Phoenix this weekend.

Katie - looks pretty good for just running 26.2 miles - eh?

It was such an "honor" that people would put themselves through a marathon AND fundraising for the Society - for me. It touches me so much, I can barely express my emotions even inadequately.
And when my friend Donna, who is now a VP at the Society, gave her talk at the Pasta Party and made mention of me and that my diagnosis had changed the significance of the weekend for her as well - I totally lost it.
It was an amazing weekend - with lots of family and friends in town - it just took me a little while to proccess it.
Have a great day!

Katie comin' & goin' right before the finish line.

Jesse and Katie at the Finish Tent.

Some of the crazies running in costumes - just think of the chaffe!