lōlō (loh loh):
adjective - crazy, simple
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Pneumonia Healer
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Dallas with Dad
Jean picked me up from Levitra training and took me to her all time favorite BBQ place. It was the best BBQ sauce I have ever tasted - and they served the sauce warm. It was onolicious. Brought a bottle home for Matt to try. Ummmm good! Then we shopped Dallas together. Yea!
After that went to the Friday night pizza joint. Also very good.
Mark, Katie, Jean

The day before I left was my dad's birthday. We actually celebrated all weekend long, but this was from birthday lunch on Sunday.

Here is the new look for the bed thanks to Dad and Jean. Yea! Jean made the accent pillow on the bed and the cushion on the chair for me. Thanks Jean! I also scored one of her quilts. I absolutely love it. It has all sorts of colors, but bright turquoise, yellow and green are the anchor colors. It has monkey's on the back and swirls (which remind me of monkey tails) embroidered into it. I can't wait to get the downstairs room done to put it in there, then I'll put a picture of it up.

Gracie obviously loves the new coverlet.
I just love this fabric.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
2009 - The Year of Completion

This is out on the back porch from the kitchen. It is common practice in Hawaii to have the laundry outside. We just went with it. But those machines are so dang big, I think we are going to have to extend the porch (but they are energy star). It has been 9 years since we have had our own machines, we now love to do laundry. Plus these play little tunes when they start and stop and have lots of lights. They are great. Matt also put in a utility sink back there (at this time it is the only running water downstairs) and some shelves.

MEA's side
The office is located at the top of the stairs on the left side of the house. I has a half wall that overlooks the down stairs entryway. It has one of the fans that you see in the carving photo. As you can see we are still in the process of organizing the office. This is my fun time! Yea!
View from master bedroom door.
left side of shower.
back of shower
right side
Friday, January 16, 2009
Levitra Training

Honolulu Marathon Weekend

Why has it taken me so long to write about the Honolulu Marathon Weekend? It was a very different Honolulu Marathon for me. I wasn't the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society staff member anymore trying to pump everyone else up and support them. My role had changed, it was an odd feeling. Even now as I write this I still hesitate to call myself an Honored Patient. As a staff member I always put the Honored Patients in a different, untouchable class. Is this denial? I still forget sometimes that I am now the one with cancer, until, that is, I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror. But I was an Honored Patient for Katie and still am until Kathy completes her marathon in Phoenix this weekend.

It was such an "honor" that people would put themselves through a marathon AND fundraising for the Society - for me. It touches me so much, I can barely express my emotions even inadequately.
And when my friend Donna, who is now a VP at the Society, gave her talk at the Pasta Party and made mention of me and that my diagnosis had changed the significance of the weekend for her as well - I totally lost it.
It was an amazing weekend - with lots of family and friends in town - it just took me a little while to proccess it.
Have a great day!
Katie comin' & goin' right before the finish line.

Some of the crazies running in costumes - just think of the chaffe!