lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Blessed Christmas!

Gracie in the tree, about a foot from the top of it. Oh boy!
I had my 7th out of 8 Chemo treatments yesterday. My white counts were higher than they have ever been. So we are doing something right. Yeah! Other than that nothing new to report on that front except that I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE CHEMO LEFT! Hooooooray!

The best thing about this Christmas is that we got to sleep in our house last night. No we are not totally moved in and it is not totally done, but it sure was comfortable and great to wake up in this Christmas morning. We even brought Gracie over for the event.
Christmas kind of snuck up on us this year, so we actually wrapped most of our presents Christmas morning. This is the mess we made just wrapping.
Then we promtly opened ours. Matt's making the dog face of the wall mounted bottle opener that he got.
I got some great smelling soap. Thanks Lani.

Kealii opening his tool box.

Some awesome plants in a box that Matt got me. He He.

Then we spent the rest of the day, hanging out in the house doing little projects in between friends stopping by. It was great.

Merry Christmas! I hope your day was filled with joy and family.


Linda said...

Merry Christmas! We are finally back to rain but we know how to travel better under those conditions. I tried to get Katie to walk to Grandma's with me, but I think she is still in the 'resting mode'. Hope all is going well, your house looks fun.

Aunt Linda

Anne said...

YEAHHHHH!!! one more and you are done done done!! WHohoo! THat must be so awesome. Then just a little lead suit wearing.

caribbeancowgirl said...

Congrats on your first Christmas in your new home. It looks beautiful. I hope Justin, the kids and I eventually make it over!!

Good luck with your LAST chemo this week! YEAH!!!

We hope you and Matt are doing well. As always, we miss you guys!

Happy New Year!!