lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Monday, December 8, 2008


The amazing turkey and its cook, Amy. Ta da!

Has it really been almost 2 weeks since I have written. I will make the recap short and sweet.

Had my 5th treatment on November 26th after some deliberation. My white counts were still low, even after putting it off a week. But they decided to go ahead anyway. I have been fine since. No new reactions.

Other good news is that after my 4th treatment I had a CAT scan to see how the "masses" were reacting. One has shrunk 50%, and the other 80%. I think that is great.
Jim & Kathy's visit:
So awesome to have them here, as usual. We packed tons of stuff into the 9 days they were here, and of course they worked like crazy on the house.
-Kathy's Birthday we went to Bolt in 3D. I absolutely loved it - the hamster stole the show.

Kathy and Matt with Kathy's Bday gift.

(Why is it that as a Neal no matter what the gift is, you have to put it on your head? Even when it is a pillow cover.)

-Christmas Shopping in Waikiki

-Thanksgiving was at the Palolo house. Traditionally in Hawaii, since so many people are here and their family is not, you invite who ever you talk to that doesn't have a place to go. We ended up with 18 people stopping by during the course of the evening. Looking back it was crazy, but really great. I didn't get a shot of everyone, but here's various moments during the day.



KatieD said...

Hooray! I cant wait to see you guys! =)

The Duman Family said...

We can't wait to see you guys too, but we have a few more weeks to wait than Katie!

Anonymous said...

Glad you were all together for Turdkey day. Will you be in the PacNW over the holidays at all???
It is time for the backyard bonfire, beer and bubbles on January 10th.
xo Dianne

MEA said...

Thanks for the invite dianne, but I cannot travel until I am totally done with Chemo (scheduled for 1/8 at the moment) Then somehow work snuck in a trip for me before I start radiation to Dallas to learn about erectile dysfunction and how Levitra is the best drug for all your needs. Wanna come with me instead? HE HE.
Soon as I am through, a big trip to the northwest sounds awesome.
Peace, MEA