lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Friday, December 12, 2008

# 6 down (finally) - 2 more to go.

Going to work with the Hair Hat - usually can't make it a full day before I rip it off. ;)

It seems like I have been saying I have only 3 treatments left for 10 months ( yes, a bit of an exaggeration). Not any more. I am offically 3/4 of the way done with Chemo. Two more treatments left. One the day before Christmas and then Jan. 8. My little brother said it perfectly. He said "the honeymoon is over". I really think he is right (just this once, and don't tell him if you see him, I don't think he really reads this regularly anyway. :)) At first it was an adventure. Had to figure out what the plan was and then how it all really worked an played out in my life. Then there were all the blessings I was given daily - it was amazing. Now I know the plan, how it works and I am trying to plod through the remander of it. Nothing seems really exciting and new - no new tests (except I got my pulmanary function back this week and it was better than my last one. Which was good, but my second one was worse than my first. Is this a logical thinking problem? Sorry.)

My doctor has made it standard operating procedure to give me the shot after every treatment now to help increase my white blood counts. I'm ok with it. It works, keeps me on schedule, and my side effects are very tolerable. So why not.

This weekend is the Honolulu Marathon. Katie and Jesse get in today, along with a bunch of people I used to work with at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It is going to be a fabulous weekend. As long as the storm clears by Sunday at the very least.

Also this weekend, we are sanding the floors at the Palolo house. Yay! I can't wait to put the dark stain on them and see how it all turns out. I have to figure out how to stain two different kinds of wood (the upstair vs the downstairs) and try to get them as close as possible to the same color. Should be interesting. I tried to do a walking tour of the house, but the video was too large. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to do it again, but with multiple videos, or less words. I bet I know what you would like?

Hope this finds you well.

Please keep praying for us - peace, harmony, and health. This is a stressful time for us with my cancer stuff, wanting to be in the house before Christmas, and changes to my job.

Not to mention still going bald - but for that pray for humor, because I would rather have people laugh than cry or pity me. I am still healthy looking all but for my hair. And as Kathy says, I am better now than what I was, even without the hair. The tumors are shrinking and I am healing, not getting sicker. Plus I have a chance for my hair to come back thicker and curlier, and please please without gray. So it is crappy to go through, but as with most things God takes us through, there is something better once we get over ourselves, give it up to Him and get out of the way. I can't wait to see how God is going to rock this!
Peace, MEA


Anne said...

Nice!! I hope you had a great weekend with everyone there! phew, busy busy! You do look great, wayyy cuter than sineid O'Conor. and I will pray for peace, harmony and health in your houses.

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed and inspired by your strength and humor. God is awesome. Hope you guys get to move in by next week. Don't forget to check out my blog!
Aloha, Kara

caribbeancowgirl said...


You have been in my thoughts...and on my BLOG. I miss you guys. I am so glad to hear you are almost done. I am sure it is none too soon. Give my best to Matt....and as always you are both in my prayers!!

KatieD said...

Thank you both for the fantastic visit in HI!! It was a blast to catch up with the two of you. I hope the move goes well, the house was beautiful =) Definitely will keep sending the prayers your way.

Anonymous said...

yeah! I love the blog, I laughed out loud several times at the pics..your mom's 'fro' while wading in the water was hilarious. It was so great to spend the weekend with you and the girls-can't wait to see the pics of us at the check in table like old times...sorry I got so emotional when I called to day goodbye, I was just feeling so lucky to know such a wonderful and strong woman like you! I look forward to keeping in touch. Praying for you and Matt, your dad, gracie and the new house! xo

rileygirl said...

Just checking in to see how you are doing. I am on vacay for the next two weeks so let me know when you want to do lunch!
