lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Waiting for Shark Night at the Aquarium

Took Morgan and the girls to the Aquarium. Entertained the girls by giving them the camera. I have to say, I like their work.


The Duman Family said...

Hi guys! We're thinking of you & praying for you .. we'll be in Hawaii for Christmas & New Years this year (but you'll probably be on the mainland, since you guys are always off island whenever we fly in .. ha ha).

Love you,
Paul, Trish & baby Stella

angie5353 said...

Hello guys just stopping in to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you both everyday. I hope to be able to come out and visit next summer, that is if I'm not busy with nursing school. om and Dad are also thinking about you both each day. We love you both our thoughts and prayers. ~Angie Dan and Mary Neal

angie5353 said...

must say you are looking good in that photo!!!

MEA said...

alright-it worked! this is our first blog, very exciting! We will be here for christmas so i guess we can't avoid you (just kidding)! that will be great to have some family in town for the holidays.

whats up Angie! nursing school, very nice. Come over whenever you like!

Dad said...

Outstanding. To think that I can make it function is even better !!!

Love ya,