lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Blessings of Hodgkin's Disease

So tomorrow I have my first dose of chemo. I met with my oncologist today. He told me that all my tests came back. I didn't have any cancer cells in my bone marrow (YEA!) and the disease wasn't anywhere else in my body (YEA!).

He also told me that I only have to have 4 cycles of chemo, which means 8 doses, one every other week. I will be done with chemo at Christmas (YEA! YEA! YEA!).

So even though I venture into unknown territory tomorrow, I have to say I am more looking forward to getting started with the treatment (one step closer to the end) than I am fearful of the unknown.

I know it sounds weird, but so far I have seen so many blessings since being diagnosed with Hodgkin's. I feel like I have been being prepared for this for years.

1. Because I worked for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society I knew immediately that Hodgkin's is one of the most curable cancers. It has a 90% base survival rate, and gets even better than that because I am a female, middle aged, and in the best shape of my life.

2. Since I have been in menopause since 2003, I have already delt and come to terms with the possibility of not bearing my own children (sterility is a possible side effect of the cancer treatment). So I can totally focus on the getting the treatment I need to get better and doing what I need to do to make that happen. As I told my doctor today "It is already going to be a miracle if I get pregnant, I don't think adding cancer treatment is going to change that. If God wants it to happen, it will happen."

3. The job I have now is an amazing blessing. The insurance is fantastic. The medical leave policies are above standard. My boss and coworkers are not only supportive, but sincerely care about me. This has taken many of those relationships to an entirely new level. Also, my boss even came with me to a couple of my appointments.

4. The timing seems perfect. As soon as Matt and I are done we the house, we are planning on adopting some kids. How great is it that this happened before we adopted and I can just focus on doing what I need to do to get better, without having to worry about little ones and all the fears and responsibilities that come with them.

5. Finally, I have always wanted to know what my head looked like under all my hair, but never had the guts to shave it. I haven't even ever had a really short haircut. Now I have a very. very good chance to see my own bald head. Yes, it will be weird and awkward, but I survived being a teenager (mostly unscathed) and that lasted a lot longer that 4 months. So I will deal.

So thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. As one of my friends said to me, "You have so many people praying for you, that not only will you fully recover, but you might morph into some superhero before this is over." Be careful what you pray for!




KatieD said...

Morph into a superhero? Wow, I think that may have already happened and positive energy just might be your superpower =) So glad to hear that the test results were so good. I will keep the prayers coming, and you just might develop an ability to start fires with your eyes!

MEA said...

Thanks Katie. So good to hear from you. A little bird told me (she's blond and very bubbly) you are doing the Honolulu Marathon for Team In Training. That is so awesome! Get me a picture in your running gear so I can put it on my blog when I do an entry about you and Kathy and Team In Training. Have a great day!

Anne said...

I want that super power. The floors look awesome! Great job! I cant wait to slide around in my socks! MEA the picture is HOT! I love it! Good luck today and my prayers are with you both!

MEA said...

I knew it Anne! As soon as I saw the bar brawl vote change I knew you had logged on. Thanks for voting.
The picture is from my friend Shannon's wedding. Her ceremony was on the sandbar in Kaneohe Bay. The tide was a bit higher than expected, so we were up to our knees in water the whole time. It was totally worth it though, the views standing in the middle of the bay were amazing.

Anonymous said...




just speculating on the movie title...

KatieD said...

I will work on that... the photo that is. Hope you are doing well!

JNew said...

Hi from Luke and Jessie! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We are thinking of you often :) Thinking very strongly of making it to Honolulu Marathon Weekend....it would be great to celebrate with you guys and I am checking to see if I can get away from school.
Much Love,
Luke & Jessie

Rauch Family said...


You are amazing! And are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We wish you the best with your treatments. Love the blog, it is very inspirational! God Bless, Julie & Efe

Anonymous said...

MEA....I am so impressed by your bravery and honesty....but I guess I should expect nothing less. I hate being so far away and look forward to catching up in December. xoxo D