lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Nativity Set

Go Mavericks!

On our way to the game!

Testing our vertical leaps - or lack of leaps in my case.
Jim actually hit the 108" even though even only the 93" would light up.

Our seats. We are in the first row of the box in the center.

Entertainment on our way back to the car after the game. Poor cow.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Bella, the food girl, and Gracie

I know, I feel weird about it, but I thought a Christmas picture with just me would be silly, so I broke down took one with the animals. Actually, I spent hours trying to get ONE with the animals. I tried self portraits, timers, everything. I even had to take a break because the animals were getting too stressed out (which you can see on their faces here), either from the flash or me rushing around trying to get them to look at the camera. So what you see above is the best of my hours of labor.

Travel has been a reoccurring theme this year. I spent Thanksgiving in Phoenix at my cousin's house. You may remember her as the pie baking cousin from previous posts. I know that is how all my friends in Hawaii remember her - thankfully - since they now eat lots my homemade pies.

Becky, mom, and the world traveler

The girls at Thanksgiving
Now that I think about it, this picture took about as long to get as the one of the animals and me. Hmmm, what could that mean? And boy howdy, there were some doozies before we finally got this one.

CB and me

Luckily my travels, even when they were for work, contained fantastic adventures. Like getting to see CB and attending my brother's breath taking wedding in Yosemite.

Yosemite was marvelous. I can't wait to go back. Anyone up for a week of camping and hiking this summer? Let me know. I have caught the hiking bug. So much that I joined a hiking group here. I have been posting all the hike pictures on my facebook, but here are just a smattering.

So there is probably much more to tell. But this is a busy time of year and you should probably be doing something besides reading my blog.
So while I can't say that I ever expected to muddling through Matt divorcing me in 2009, I have kept myself busy and experienced some beautiful moments.

This is your hiking, world traveling, food girl to Bella and Gracie, signing off.
Peace to you and your family.
Please be safe during the holiday season.
And get yourself to a church this Christmas!
For those of you worried about Gracie and her box. The half eaten box was completely destroyed a few days later. Soon to be followed by a fantastic cat bed given to her by Dr. Sakai (one of the doctors I work with). No worries though, as you can see in the picture below, a new box has come into the picture and she is happy. (See, why couldn't I get that kind of happy in our Christmas picture?)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How a cat deals with adversity!

Many people ask me how Gracie and Bella get along in my small apartment. I generally say "very well". But I am beginning to see that the cat (Gracie) has a very patient and tolerant soul. Today's adventure is a perfect example...

AHHHH...the good times, Bella has her bed and Gracie has her box.

Gracie loves her box.

There doesn't seem to be any animosity from Bella towards Gracie's box

Oh how quickly things change.
(What you see here scattered on Bella's bed and among her toys is about 2/3rds of Gracie's box.)

Gracie is a bit stunned, but has lost no love for her box, or what's left of it.

She can still lay in it, at least the front part of her.

She can still roll around on it.

It is still her box, or a corner of it with fragments of two of the sides and part of the bottom.
Other funny pictures of the two together...

Sleeping in the back room on the twin bed.

Bella's "I'm so innocent and cuddly look.

Happier times - when Gracie had a box and Bella could eat Gracie's food when she wasn't looking.
I hope you enjoyed today's "box destruction and Gracie's adaptation" adventure as much as I did.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bella's New Adventures!

Bella Boo and her food girl (me!).

We are off to the top of Kuliouou...Verena (a friend from Austria that is visiting), Linda, Nalu (Linda's dog) and Bella.

They stayed right by each other most of the hike. Nalu and Bella were fast friends.

Nalu and Bella at the top!

Bella fast aslleep after the hike.
Here are some other random pictures of Bella.

She loves the sand. It is like catnip to her - really! - she likes it that much!

Bella sharing her bed with Tanoa (Alicia's little boy).

See Bella's Belly.