Day 2 was a gsk sponsored tour of the city sights.
First stop the Opera House. We got an awesome tour.
Opera house in all it's glory.
Jim in front of one of the sails.
The inside of the sails are concrete sections individually formed and placed. It is amazing.
I will blog one day all about the opera house when I have more time. It was amazing.
Then we toured around the neighborhoods and stopped at Bondi (pronouced Bond-eye) beach for lunch.
Day 3 was our full day adventure. We started with Sandboarding, which wasn't as adventurous as we expected because you just sat on your but and went down the mountain of sand. Jim and I raced up and down the mountain as fast as we could to get as many chances at it as possible.
But we did go against our guides warnings and try a little standing up.
Did they put the concrete pyramids in the background to make them feel more at home?
Then off to a winery/brewery for bbq lunch. It was the best meal we have had so far.
Hopefully I can find a power converter for my camera today. My battery is low and I forgot about converting the voltage when I bought the adapter for the prongs. Annoying.
So I'll post again when I can.