lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Sunday, February 22, 2009

House Update

The house - all dressed up with batting and railings.
(going clockwise around it)

Matt's shed

Kitchen - still lots left to do, but we got a stove this weekend. Yay!
Stairs - still need to do the landing, stain and railing.

The outdoor furniture we bought for the deck, but have been using inside instead.

We broke down. We are not going to paint the exterior ourselves. A friend of ours is using a painter that seemed to quote a really good price, so we hired him. So the past two weekends Matt has been working on getting the outside completed for the painter. Little did the painter know that when he gave us his quote we going to add 5 more out buildings. Just kidding, but we did add the batting and Matt's shed, as well as the railings.
The painter has already started cocking the outside. He told Matt he would start with 5 cases and see how much more he needed after that.
So last weekend Matt did the batting and this weekend he did the railings on the upper lanai and the deck off the kitchen.
We are getting down to the final list. Pretty soon, I think we are going to have to spend a weekend or 2 at the Waikiki place to get that ready to rent. So if you know anybody, let me know.
Have a great week.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First day back to work! :)

Hello! I was finally healthy enough to go back to work and start radiation on of Monday.
I just finished my 2nd radiation treatment. Yeah, I am a little tired after them, but just a little.
I am pretty excited because I thought I had 20 radiation treatments, but when I met with the doctor yesterday, he said only 17. Yahoo! I have a treatment everyday, M-F, at 3:30pm. So I will be done the first week of March.
I am only under the machine for 3 minutes. It takes me longer to park and get changed than the actual treatment does.
Radiation is different than chemo-thank goodness it is such a short time. It feels way more invasive. With chemo, I showed up at the doctor’s office, got my vitals taken, some blood drawn, then sat in a recliner for an hour while they pumped the chemo cocktail into me and I watched TV with Matt, a friend or family.
With radiation, I have to take off everything above my waist, including jewelry and watches, put on a gown, then go lay on a hard table while they position me around just right (this is where my boobs get flashed a number of times). Then everybody leaves, they shut a door that is about 3 feet thick and the machine does its thing while you hold perfectly still.
I am sure I as I do it more it will be less of a thing, but yesterday was pretty scary. Matt went with me and watched through a video feed. (That’s right! Can’t even have a window into the room.) I closed my eyes while I was being zapped, because I thought I would be able to see a red beam going into my chest. (I don’t know why, but that is how I always pictured it.) And as I was laying there, I thought if I did see a red beam coming at me, that I might move out of the way or completely jump off the table. So I closed my eyes. Later when I asked Matt about it, he said there was no red beam. So today I kept my eyes open (for most of it anyway). I didn’t see a red beam either.
Radiation is supposed to make me tired, give me a sunburn on the area they are zapping and I may get a sore throat. But other than that it should be pretty easy.
So that is what I know, and now you do too – no red beams while getting zapped.
Have a great week.
I will catch up with you again soon.