lōlō (loh loh):

noun - a person who is off their rocker or just plain off
adjective - crazy, simple

Friday, April 24, 2009

1 percent left to go.

Gracie keeping Matt company while he works.
Got my results from the CT scan yesterday. Dr. Sumida said he was 99% sure we got it all. Yet there is still some stuff left (2x1 inches of stuff). He described it like drying fruit. When the cancer is present it is like a normal piece of fruit, but after the chemo and radiation "dries it out", sometimes the husk of the cancer is left, like a dryed piece of fruit. this is usually absorbed naturally by the body. It probably doesn't have any cancer cells left in it, but just to make sure we are going to do a PET scan which is able to pick up any cancer cell activity.
Unfortuatey I will have to put this off a week because I am in California next week for a work meeting, so I don't even have a date set yet for the PET scan. I will let you know.
OK, now that that is out of the way, I have a totally funny story, or at least we think it is funny and I got Matt's permission to tell it, so here it goes. Matt and I were in bed the other night, and in the middle of the night I turned over to hug him and put my arm around him, but something didn't smell quite right. Now I know Matt sweats alot when he sleeps, he works around a bunch of chemicals and he just got back from a fishing trip, but this just didn't smell right. It almost smelled like urine. To the point that I was trying to figure out what to google to see if it was ok if his sweat smelled like urine or if that was a sign of anything larger like something with his kidneys. But then fell back asleep and woke up the next morning and went on my way.
The next night when we were going to sleep, Matt and I both smelled the urine smell. I told him what happened the night before and we both agreed that his "urine sweat" had gotten into the sheets and that was what we were smelling. So we changed the sheets, but were still catching whiffs of it, but couldn't figure it out.
The next morning I was laying in bed reading, and looked down at the comforter to see a discolored dried spot. At that moment I knew that is wasn't my husband's sweat that smelled like pee, it was that our cat had had an accident on the bed.
Moral to this story is that no matter how often your husband smells bad, it is probably not that his sweat smells like pee.
Have a great couple of weeks.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bigger Cat, Bigger Box - Same Great Fun.

Long time no post

Emillee and Matt
So I have been busy getting back to normal life and normal things. Although my stamina isn't 100% yet, I have more energy everyday. It feels great!

Matt has been very busy with work, leaving at 6am and not getting home until 7pm 6 days a week. Luckily he is doing something he loves - fishing. He is also getting to do it with nets, so it is a bit different than the regular deal. He will be on this schedule until the end of April.

Amazingly he still finds time to work on the house. Here are pictures of the counter tops. We re-used wood from the old house to make them. Then Matt did some research on what to put on them to protect them and whallah! We have counter tops.

Also, the infamous kitchen sink arrived and in ONE piece. This is actually the second one we ordered, the first one, thanks to FedEx, arrived in somewhere between a 1000 and a 1,000,000 pieces. This one arrived just right. Thank you Jake for doing this for us, not once, but twice. I love love love it.

Jen Hodges helping Matt with the plumbing of the sink.

So that is pretty much it. Hanging out, working, my friend Emilee's wedding (see picture of Matt and Em at the top), Claudine's visit (she didn't want any pictures, hence none taken) and now preparing to go to Oregon for Easter. So happy Easter to you - you are a very special!
Peace, MEA